
Reforesting Degraded Watersheds

Reforesting using agroforestry species, indigenous and exotic species, and soil-fixing grasses.

Sustainable Land Management

Developing anti-erosion ditches to reduce hill erosion and landslides.

Promoting New Technologies

Advocating for renewable energy technologies to mitigate climate change effects.

Community Sensitization

Raising community awareness on environmental conservation and climate change mitigation.

Climate Change Adaptation

Involving communities in climate change adaptation, promoting sustainable and resilient food value chains.


APPROCUVI (Association pour la Promotion de la Protection des Cultures et de l’Utilisation des Variétés d’Intérêt Commun) is an organization dedicated to sustainable development in Burundi, focusing on sustainable agriculture, land management, and climate change adaptation.

  • Increase the sustainability and resilience of production systems.
  • Promote reforestation and sustainable land management.
  • Support climate change adaptation efforts.

You can get involved by volunteering, donating, or partnering with us. Visit our “Get Involved” page for more information on how to contribute to our mission.

Our partners include Terrafund, FAO, Enabel (Coopération Belge), the World Bank, BAD, and FIDA. These organizations support our various projects and initiatives.

We promote sustainable agriculture by supporting the organization and professionalization of grassroots communities, advocating for sustainable land management practices, and raising awareness about the importance of environmental conservation.